Experience the future of wellness with LifeWave Inc., a pioneering health and wellness company founded in 2004 by David Schmidt.

LifeWave specializes in cutting-edge phototherapy patches, redefining wellness, stem cells technology through innovative approaches.

LifeWave’s flagship products are revolutionary phototherapy patches designed to harness specific wavelengths of light, supporting various physiological functions and promoting overall well-being. These non-invasive, drug-free solutions are positioned as alternatives or complements to conventional approaches, reflecting the company’s commitment to wellness.

Unlock the potential of your stem cells with LifeWave’s X39® phototherapy patch. Stem cells, crucial for healing and regeneration, decline with age. LifeWave’s technology, backed by over 80 clinical studies and two decades of research and more than a 100 patents, activates the body’s stem cell production in a matter of hours or days. The X39® patch reflects specific wavelengths of light, signaling the body to elevate GHK-Cu copper peptide, responsible for regulating Your Own stem cell production.

Experience the benefits of this wearable technology that has transformed health and vitality for many. Activate your body’s own stem cell production with LifeWave’s X39®, where innovation meets wellness.

How it works:

When you are in the sun, the light from the sun signals the body to ​increase Vitamin D production in your body. We all know that. Right?

The X39® patch does not need the sun. Your body emits light and heat. The light your body emits is reflected off the X39® patch back into your body after the organic crystals in the X39® patch changes the wavelength of the light in a process called ‘photobiomodulation’.

The new ‘wavelength of light’ then signals the body to increase health and vitality!

What people say

Tinka Naumova

“Prior to my craniotomy I ordered Lifewave X39, Carnosine, and Y-age patches because Romain explained their benefits to me. Thanks to these patches my recovery was fast and without pain. The incision healed in a month and my energy is even better than before. I also had back pain constantly but now the pain has almost disappeared. I highly recommend them.”

Pernille Knudtzon

“For 6 months I have had right knee trouble and some minor pain. It was getting better slowly. I put the X39® patch directly on the knee and I can verify that it is a lot better. I am still putting it on. Thank you ever so much for X39®”

Valentina Paola Placenti

“I have been using Lifewave patches for 3 years, and every day the Alavida trio. My skin is ex acne, but lately I have noticed with pleasure a more compact skin, less dilated pores and less visible scars, less brightness. I also use now X39.”

Book a 1:1 Session Now to Boost Your Health

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